Tuesday, 19 March 2013

IF Eye Glasses

                                                                  Size: 16 x 18cms
                                                                  Media: Pen and Ink
                                                                  Pen: Sailor Sapporo

Its a serious business selecting the new Pope you know...........no one really knows how its done.


  1. your pen moves are excellent!

  2. Hah! Heheheh. Shoulder pads. Rock paper scissors... I knew the new Pope jokes will be coming. Hahaha. I like this Pope, like the one before him and before him.... all the way back to St. peter except the anti-Popes. You know, I have been reading about the Popes, very interesting history.

  3. Hey, Rod, este Papa es argentino como yo!!! él aquí viajaba en subway, no gastaba mucho dinero, puede que reparta un poco de lo que hay allí. jaja!

  4. Paper scissor rocks... And yes we have white smoke!! Fantastic.

  5. He's got a camera for a necktie! That AIN'T cool. I always joke that people are walking around with lapel mics at work. I'm either paranoid, or just shoot my mouth off too much. Not sure.

  6. Haha nicely done! I wouldn't mind sitting with the editor of the tape that comes out of that camera. :D

  7. Haaahaha...Love it, esp the camera.

  8. I kneel before you...wonderful!

  9. Bwahahahaha!!!!!!
    LOVE THIS!!!!
    "How he won" made me laugh out loud! (Really)

  10. Hey, amigo, yo no sé si tú eres católico, o si festejas Pascuas, de todos modos no interesa demasiado, pero ten cuidado con una cosa: No comas demasiado chocolate!!!! ;)))))

  11. This is very funny. I actually had a dream about the pope the other night. He was wandering down my street with his wife and daughters while I was outside gardening, and he came over and asked me something like did I know where his "land" was--and I figured that he meant where he was living, and as I'd seen him coming out of a house on the next block I figured he must be staying there, so I took him over there. He was old and very confused, but his wife wasn't, so I'm not sure why she didn't remember where they were staying.


Thanks Guys!!